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Nasal Spray

When you are all stuffed up from a cold, you can get fast relief from a nasal spray. But take a minute to learn the different types and how to use them. It can make the difference between success and failure in clearing up that blockage. Your nose will thank you.
There are three kinds to choose from :
Decongestants :  They get rid of your stuffiness by narrowing blood vessels in the lining of your nose, which shrinks swollen tissues.Don‚t use them for more than 3 days, or your cold symptoms could get worse.
Salt-water solutions : They‚re also called "saline" nasal sprays. They loosen up your mucus and keep it from getting crusty. Since they don‚t contain any medications, feel free to use them as often you like.
Steroid nasal sprays : They‚re approved to relieve allergy symptoms, but they‚re sometimes used to help clear a stuffed-up nose that comes from a sinus infection.
We have wide range of Nasal Sprays.

Select Your Specilities

Nasal Spray

1 Xylometazoline Nasal Spray 30 ml Antihistamine & Anti Asthmatic Detail
2 Oxymetazoline HCL Nasal Spray 30 ml Antihistamine & Anti Asthmatic Detail
3 Sodium Chloride Nasal Drop 10 ml Antihistamine & Anti Asthmatic Detail